More than Brasília

Lucio Costa’s role in systematizing academic education and heritage protection programs in Brazil


Palabras clave:

Academic Education, Cultural heritage, Lucio Costa, Historiography, Architecture education


Recognized worldwide as the urbanist of Brazil's capital, Brasília – declared a World Heritage Site in 1987 – and a Doctor Honoris Causa of Harvard University, Lucio Costa is considered one of the most influential modern architects in Brazil. However, he is
hardly ever mentioned in other fields such as heritage preservation and academia. Even though his works were fundamental to establishing Brazilian conceptions of cultural heritage. In this paper, therefore, we examine his performance at the Escola Nacional de Belas Artes (ENBA) and the former Serviço Nacional do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Brasileiro (SPHAN), along with other critical moments in his career, in order to underline the importance of his role in the institutionalization of architectural teaching and heritage preservation in Brazil.

Biografía del autor/a

Sávio Tadeu Guimarães, Universidad Estatal de São Paulo UNESP

Savio Tadeu Guimarães is Professor in master's and undergraduate courses at the UniCEUB (Higher Education Center of Brasília). Post-doctorate in progress in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidade de Brasília (UnB). PhD in Urban and Regional Planning from the Instituto de Pesquisa e Planejamento Urbano e Regional da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IPPUR-UFRJ). Master in Architecture and Urbanism from the Universidade Federal Fluminense de Niterói (UFF). Communication Specialist from the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF). He is a member of ICOMOS-BR (International Council on Monuments and Sites).

Joanes Silva Rocha, Universidad Estatal de São Paulo UNESP

Joanes da Silva Rocha is an architectural historian. Currently a Post-Graduate Research Student at the Department of Architecture, University of Tokyo, Japan; and an associate researcher at the Center for Asian Studies at the UnB (University of Brasília). Also, member of the ICOMOS-BR (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and a former Assistant Professor of Theory and History of Architecture at CEUB (Higher Education Center of Brasília).


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Cómo citar

Guimarães, S. T., & Silva Rocha, J. (2021). More than Brasília: Lucio Costa’s role in systematizing academic education and heritage protection programs in Brazil . Patrimônio E Memória, 17(1), 223–246. Recuperado a partir de