Performance of the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage on Natural Heritage in Brazil
natural heritage, natural assets, cultural heritage, listing, IphanAbstract
This article aims to analyze the performance of IPHAN on Natural Heritage in Brazil through the application of the heritage listing instrument. Methodologically, the research covers the entire period of the institute’s activities, from 1937 to January 2024. The study evaluates processes involving natural assets, as consulted on the institute's website, at any stage of their processing. Both the temporal and spatial distributions of the processes were analyzed. It was found that more than half of the processes were denied, and a significant percentage remains open. In terms of temporal distribution, the 1970s saw the highest number of processes resulting in listings. Regarding spatial distribution, the Southeast and Northeast regions have the highest number of both open processes and processes resulting in asset protection. In contrast, the Southern region is the only one without any Natural Heritage recognized by the institution.
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