A crítica sociopolítica na (re)construção de imagens nos escritos literários de David Gonçalves
Literary heritage, Literary images, SociopoliticalAbstract
The literary writings of David Gonçalves Redfeet, The Sun of the Tropics, Green Blood and Dark Season intertextualize scenarios, characters and plots, reconstructing realities that provoke the reflections that support this article. The analytical approach is
based on the theoretical-methodological propositions of Júlia Kristeva's Semanalysis aimed at the illustrations of the Quadrínculo metaphorical scenario. The narrative plots (re)construct images of contexts in counterpoints: city x countryside; bucolicism x sudden
and violent manifestations; political and economic power x social inequality; aggression x resistance. Literary images overlap and overlap, revealing the depredation of nature and the marginalization of social groups linked to the land. The intertextualities and
interdiscursivities that permeate the narrative plots of the novels studied are connected to sociopolitical discussions, inciting reflections on the saga of the characters in contexts of contradictions, inserting themselves as a discourse that highlights the separation of human beings from the earth as a problem of humanity.
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