The impasses of patrimonialization
the case of fandango caiçara from Ubatuba/Brazil
Fandango Caiçara, Cultural Heritage, Social Psychology, Commodification of Popular Culture, UbatubaAbstract
This article discusses the impacts of the patrimonialization process on the practice of fandango caiçara in Ubatuba. From the perspective of fandangueiro masters, it presents several ambiguities in the relationships of communities with market agents and
public institutions, such as: the professionalization of practitioners, the standardization of cultural expression, spectacularization and mercantilization. In this sense, the community tradition runs the risk of becoming a mere tourist event in the entertainment market.
However, the same patrimonialization process strengthened the practice of fandango in the municipality, with great articulation with the other communities, in the claim of social and environmental rights, as well as in the valorization of the caiçara cultural identity. In the tensions between the communities, market agents and public institutions, it is suggested the protagonism of the holders of cultural expression in the management of their renewal processes.
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