From Padrinho to Juremeiro:
brief historical route of Jurema Sagrada in Caruaru
Anthropology, Jurema Sagrada, Caruaru, Afro Brazilian religionsAbstract
The present research is a fragment of the Completion of Course in Social Sciences Treatise presented by me (SILVA, 2023). In this article, I sought to synthesize the history of the jurema de Caruaru terreiros, for which I made use of the arguments presented by my interlocutors in conversations and interviews carried out between the years 2017 and 2022, together with the Grupo de Estudos Memória, Identidade e Cultura (GEMIC). Here I present an outline of the memoirs of the godfathers, godmothers, fathers and mothers of the saint of Caruaru about the process of formation and institutionalization of jurema. I propose, therefore, to present a brief synthesis of the processes of institutionalization of the Afro Brazilian religions in the city, and how issues such as violence, geographic isolation and academic/cultural investment have changed the religious scenario of the city.
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