Our daily bread

religiosity, dietetics and fasting in the Byzantine Orthodox Church


  • Felipe Daniel Ruzene Universidade Federal do Paraná


History of Food, Orthodox Christianity, Middle Ages, Fast, Discipline, Asceticism


This research is a bibliographical review about dietetics in Christian exercises. I focus on understanding the disciplinary prescriptions of the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Church regarding food, focusing on monastery and lay sources from the Middle Ages and their impacts on the eating practices of the faithful in contemporary times. Thus, I present a study on the theme of religiosity and food in Byzantine Orthodoxy, as well as a comparative approach between dietary asceticism in the medieval and contemporary periods. Understanding that religions have different aspects, smells and flavors, I analyze restrictions and fasts as ways of understanding the multiple sociocultural realities of the other lung of the Christian Church. After a brief state of the art on the relationship between religion and cuisine, I present an analysis of dietary practices in medieval clerical and lay environments, assessing the relationship between discipline and food in Orthodoxy, ending with a comparative analysis of dietary and disciplinary practices in Orthodoxy Contemporary Age with the models of food asceticism of the Middle Ages. Therefore, the conclusion indicates that the Byzantine Christian religion developed profound influences on eating practices and the choice of food by the faithful, building meanings at the table, imposing restrictions, and contributing to the self-recognition and alterity of orthodox believers in the face of the different experiences of Christianity.


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How to Cite

RUZENE, Felipe Daniel. Our daily bread: religiosity, dietetics and fasting in the Byzantine Orthodox Church. Faces da História, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, p. 282–309, 2024. Disponível em: https://pem.assis.unesp.br/index.php/facesdahistoria/article/view/2621. Acesso em: 31 jan. 2025.